Design Academy

Concept landing page for an online academy focused on artists and designers. With the objective of building a community, and meet professionals in the sector while working remotely.


Scarcity of images that the client could provide given the nature of the business or the privacy of the students, so using illustrative resources seemed the best choice, and in this case what better connection to the internet than 3D graphics; transmitting an image of confidence for the new generations of artists.

Another key aspect of this design was the use of a unique color palette that targeted Gen Z. Instead of relying on traditional color schemes, I used bright and bold pink hues that are typically associated with vaporwave, mindfullness and the opposite of toxic masculinity.

By using a color scheme that appeals to Gen Z’s sensibilities, the landing page became more attractive and engaging, which ultimately could result in a higher conversion rate.

This landing required a visually engaging and contemporary design. To achieve this, I decided to use Blender to create custom illustrations that would help visually communicate the value and benefits of the school.


Final design

Given that it is not a very complex structure, I didn’t see the need to go into a wireframe phase, which would have helped in the case of a landing page where publication and development times are usually tighter than usual. All the resources, even if they are visually complex, can be built in a way that does not complicate the task too much for the development team. Throughout the process, the possibilities of the texts changing in the future were taken into account, so the scalability of the design was key.

Use of 3D

With Blender, I was able to create a variety of illustrations which helped to capture the attention of our target audience, which is primarily made up of Gen Zers. The use of 3D and reflective textures also allowed me to add a unique flair to the page that sets it apart from other landing pages in the same space.